Sale of vehicles

At the beginning, our Sales Department only dealt with purchasing vehicles for the company. However, thanks to the good cooperation established with the vehicle manufacturer, a consignment store was soon opened, which was followed by a private customs warehouse, where used MAN vehicles maintained in good technical condition were in stock. After Hungary had joined the EU, the function of the customs warehouse became obsolete. Today, the most popular models of the MAN range of vehicles are for sale at our site. The vehicles are handed over to their new owners after a thorough safety inspection as requested has been carried out, all necessary repair has been done and the relating documents have duly been completed. As we are a member of the MAN dealer network in Hungary, new vehicles can also be ordered at our company.

Ever since its establishment, INTER-ÉPFU Kft. has been selling MAN vehicles, which, in addition to many years of experience and our excellent contacts, is one of the reasons why our customers can be certain that the particular vehicle offered will be tailored exactly to their needs.

Everything that is MAN

No matter what type of truck you are interested in (tilt, flatbed, crane, tail lift, refrigerator, with tarpaulin, tractor), feel free to ask for an offer for any model or type. Once you have decided to buy a used vehicle from our company, the price of the vehicle you wish to trade in will be taken into account.

Taking into account the trade-in price of your vehicle does not yet qualify as an offer. Each trade-in compensation will be judged on a case-by-case basis.



Phone.: +36-24-525-878

Mobile: +3620/9466-308

Fax: +36-24-525-789


Nyelv: magyar / német / orosz

Languages spoken: Hungarian/German/Russian